Valley Volunteers making an impact

Garden Update

We all know we have the best community and the best Hall.  Over the years we have built the veranda, and upgraded the kitchen, stumps, and BBQ area.  The recent addition of the side stairs continued this trend of upgrading the Hall and has resulted today in a truly beautiful and well-maintained community Hall full of character and charm…. all except the garden!

Despite years of attention by Terry Scheid the garden has grown tired and really doesn’t do justice to the icon that the Hall has become.

The vision was to produce a beautiful, eye catching Australian garden that complements the charm of the Hall.  We were very lucky to get the offer of free design by landscaper Lara Solma.  Lara understood the vision immediately and put a huge amount of work into producing a design which she presented to the hall committee.  The following is an extract from her design:


The committee accepted the design.  We are now in the process of actually making it happen.  We applied for a council “COVID Hardship” grant to lessen the impact on the committee’s finances.  We were told the grant was more designed for sporting clubs and that we didn’t have much of a chance.  However, after reading about how this project would reunite a fractured community in these times of hardship, they had no choice but to give it to us!  The irony is that the community involvement we argued would happen, has actually happened.   Margaret and Heather are sourcing the plants – a challenging job because some of them are hard to get and are of limited supply.  Dean has headed construction of the sleeper borders.  John Rayner provided his excavator free of charge.  Stephen (Debbie’s brother), Tiff, Michel, Mark Miller and a whole host of others have helped with other jobs.  

At this stage we are completing the three most important garden beds out of a total of seven.  It is all coming together.  Most of the plants should be purchased within the next week and the beds completed in a similar time. The remaining four garden beds will be systematically completed over the next twelve months. 

Author Wal Mayr

Website publisher would just like to acknowledge the driving force behind this project is Wal Mayr as well as the other mentioned volunteers. All volunteers donated time, knowledge and muscle so with great appreciation from the Valley we say thank you and look forward to watching this project bloom.

Any volunteers in our valley wanting to help with Hall projects now or in the future please contact 

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